The Exam


Pete has a big exam in 20 days. You can make him fail if you want...

Author Comments:

Pete has a big exam in 20 days. You play a procrastination agent, you can make him fail his exam if you want by using the various distractions around him. But will you be able to fight guilt and loss of interest ?
This is a slightly improved version of a game we made in 48 jours for the Indie Speed Run 2013. Our themes were “Procrastination” and “Couch”.
How it works :
- Objects that Pete wants to get rid of (they blink in red) will disappear next day if you don’t do anything.
- The more guilt an object has, the higher the chances are that Pete will want to get rid of it.
- Objects that have an interest of 1 will disappear if Pete doesn’t have enough distraction. Distraction prevents the objects from losing interest.
- When the console has no games, it loses interest much faster.
- Badger can restore the interest of the ice box (entertain)

Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: StormAlligator
Language: en
Year: 2013