The Neon Pink Philosophy


My entry into Ludum Dare 24, around the theme ‘Evolution’.

You are Fred, a small, philosophical pink thing, doing the bidding of an ominous disembodied voice from above.

Collect the green ‘food things’ to add 10 points to your score, but be quick, because your score is dropping every second. Try and avoid getting hit – Every hit you take will cost you a whopping TWENTY points, which is a lot.

And now you’re thinking “Wait, I CAN’T DIE?! Ahahaha! Where’s the challenge in this?” Well, bub, the ‘challenge’ is in getting a high score. FOR A REASON.

There’s a ‘true’ ending to the INCREDIBLY WELL-WRITTEN, VOICE-ACTED NARRATIVE that you’ll only get to see if you can score more than 700 points overall. So y’know, put some effort in.

Publisher: Kongregate
Developer: DedHedZed
Language: en
Year: 2012