The New Land

he New Land is a game for all ages, the goal is to get 30 people in your village.Unlike other strategy games were you put the villagers to work this game is've got to do the work by yourself! Cut trees, Dig for gold etc. etc.
Quick Help:
The objective of the game is to build a village that has 30 villagers.
You can do that by building houses. But you'll need resources for that. There are 4 resources in the game: Food, Gold, Wood and Bricks. You can gain Food by building farmlands. Gold by building a goldmine. Wood by planting trees and Bricks by building stone-mines. You can see the number 50 in the top border next to the pickaxe. It shows you how long it would take before a resource has been found. You can make that faster by building houses or vulcanos. It will then decrease by 1 or 5! When a resource is found the object will turn darkish and there will be an icon on top
of it that tells you which resource is found. Click on the object to gain it and
let the resource searching start over. Trees can be used 5 times, other
buildings unlimited times!