The Ritual


A man goes for another walk during a cold, Autumn night.

Author Comments:

This is a sequel to one of my previous games called "The Shovel" ►
This is a little "walking simulator" type game. Just walk from screen to screen. Click objects to view them, and try to piece together what's going on.
A / D - Move left and Right
W - follow pathways to new areas
Mouse - interact with objects
Thanks for playing !
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PS. Don't worry - the next Chaos Eclipse chapter is next <3
Patch 1.1:
-Hoods now each have a piece of dialogue
-Added written intro
-Added additional hoods
-Added a key and a locked gate
-Lowered file size
-Changed rope item silhouette graphic
Patch 1.05:
- Added necklace item
- Added camera/polaroids item
- Added cleaver item
- Added rope item
- Removed blood from sawblade, for chroncile bulletin continuity
- Added Hoods to outside the chapel
- Mouse focus resets every time the screen fades in
- Added link to The Shovel on the loading screen
- Other tweaks
Patch 1.02:
-Added screen shake to ending scene
-Change pause menu fonts
-Lowered file size by reducing image quality + removing embedding from an unused font
-Change title screen highlight effect

Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: Jack Astral
Language: en
Year: 2016