The Scribbleman Episode 1


It's finally here, the first episode of the reboot/remake of The Scribbleman comics.

Rather than being comics in the old-fashioned way, now they'll be Flash files. A lot more can be added on each chapter and so on and so forth.

Also, I better hurry, as Scribblenauts Unlimited is on the way, and I want to get as much stuff wrong as possible before people can tell me "Hey, Maxwell is so out of character in comparison to the Wii U game". Having this thing made before that one is the perfect excuse :U

Also, the :iconscribblenauts: group is now accepting members. I'm sorry that the group couldn't accept them before. I didn't know it was blocking requests until just now T_T

Also, music to listen to while reading the comic: [link]
It'll get you in the mood.

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: McGenio
Language: en
Year: 2012