The Shrinker Pokémon

This is a mix suggestion from ~Shrink-a-Dink and ~gliese581cwwdraa
Shrink-a-Dink requested "Misty, May, and Dawn from pokemon shrinking out of their clothes"
Gliese581cwwdraa requested " Dawn encounters a Grumpic and decides to catch it, but the Grumpig decides to use a beam to shrink her and seal her in one of her spheres"
For the first one, the issue is that I can't involve underage characters with nudity... on deviantart
For the second one, I don't like grumpic, so I decided to use another custom *cough*sexy*cough* monster, hope you don't mind... giving me a new OC :iconimhappyplz:
Whatever, due DeviantArt rules I can't give the link to my ecchi blog, but I can give you a hint of how to find it [link]
Anyway, enjoy ;P