The Torture Chamber III


Walk into the Torture Chamber once again...

Author Comments:

The Torture Chamber is once again open for business. Sporting 6 more unlockables than the previous installment, TT3 shines as the best and most gruesome of the series.
Rack up pain points by torturing the victim, and unlock more methods of torture along the way.
Yes, you can get to 25500 points. PM me if you're in need of some ideas.
[EDIT]: I finished this with a deadline so there may still be bugs rampant, please message me so I can fix them immediately.
April 20th, 2008, 9:08 PM: Bug which caused game to freeze after multiple firing squads fixed.
April 20th, 2008, 8:03 PM: Bug which causes you to randomly gain points fixed.

Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: Scott Productions
Tag: Toy, Blood, Stick, Gore
Language: en
Year: 2008