
*UPDATE*- Over 50 stone glitch fixed! You can now, no matter what, get to the wizard to battle him, once 50 stones are collected!
*UPDATE*- Music toggle for map is installed. IT HELPS CUT THE LAG!
*FOR THE LAST TIME*- I know you get stuck in places. Just don't run into the walls. I am trying to fix it, but I might not be able to.
*UPDATE*- Please! Go to the menu during the game. (BACKSPACE) And change the quality to low!
*UPDATE*- I am sorry for the inconvinience about the glitches running through objects. I brought the game with the stuck glitch back, because that is less of a problem I am trying to fix at the moment. Sorry!
*UPDATE*-I fixed the glitch where you run and get stuck in the objects. Now you get bumped back whenever you hit them, as well as "not being able to move farther into them". This problem is fixed, but there is still another. When you run into a battle, you appear ontop of the obstacles. I'll try to fix this too.
*UPDATE*-People have been complaining about the glitch where you get stuck in the obstacles! I know it's there, and I am trying to get it fixed, but the problem with it is, is that the frame rate may be too low for the speed you are going, because you probably only get stuck when you run, correct? So when you are going fast, at a low frame rate, the picture skips space somewhat, skipping over the outside boundaries of the obstacle.
*UPDATE*-Please only vote low if you have played through the entire game. For all those critics out there, this notice is for you!
A cartoony RPG, where you go on a quest to look for magic stones!
I hope this strikes an RPG section!
***READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE PLAYING*** - I have had too many people that tested it complain about things that were already mentioned in the instructions. Please use Low or maybe Medium quality. It can be found in the game menu.
You are Guy, who was brought to a strange world by a wizard who wants him to search for fifty magic stones for him! Battle up to 16 enemies, use up to 12 magic spells, and collect many items and pieces of equipment to help you on your quest!
Thanks to everyone in the credits!
Make sure you check out the sites that are advertised throughout the game!