Tiny Expandable Planet


Hi everybody =) this is my new flash game!

it is a quick game where you are suppose to catch stars and avoid aliens, you can use only arrowkey left/right/up to move
you can't jump really far, but you can make the earth grow or reduce by moving around it with the arrowkey, check the notice for more information ( and secret tips ) about the game!
i really hope you will enjoy playing it, i added a leaderboard so we can know who have the best score :lol: this is fun? i can't wait to see someone beat my score xD i didn't made a great score but for now i few people played i am the first one https://drevilemoteplz.deviantart.com/

anyway have fun :) and tell me what you think about this game
me and https://mixedmilkchocolate.deviantart.com/ got this original idea and i done it all by myself in less than a week :3 i think it is fun, and you what do you think about it?

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: MenInASuitcase
Language: en
Year: 2011