

This is Volute's entry for Ludum Dare 23. The theme was "Tiny World"
The game was made in 48 hours from scratch.
This version will probably be enhanced, but you can find the original here :

Postmortem : http://stormalligator.com /my-ludum-dare-23-entry-p ost-mortem/
In this puzzle/simulation/strateg y game, you have to heal a tiny world constantly damaged by natural disasters by building a powerful level 4 shrine.

Mouse only

The goal is to build a level 4 shrine.

Collect ressources by building workplaces. The type of ressource depends on the tile the workplace is build on.
Grassland -> Food
Lake -> Water
Forest -> Woods
Mountain -> Iron

Cities produce two additionnal ressources :
Techs (level 2+ city)
A level 3 city is needed to build the level 4 shrine.

Shrines produce mana. The mana allows you to reconfigure the ground if you want. Same as before, the mana depends on the tile the shrine is build on.
Grassland -> Green mana
Lake -> Blue mana
Forest -> Brown mana
Mountain -> Grey mana

Every now and then, natural disasters happen. They reconfigure the ground and make your life harder !

Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: StormAlligator
Language: en
Year: 2012