Titan Souls Prototype

Originally made for Ludum Dare 28 with the theme 'You Only Get One'
Originally made for Ludum Dare 28 with the theme 'You Only Get One', Titan Souls is now being made into a full game for PC/Mac/Linux + PS4/PSVita with Devolver digital: TITAN SOULS
Z to roll
X to charge arrow, release to fire
X to summon your arrow back to you (hold)
Open World.
Destroy 4 Titans.
One hit to each Titan's weakness.
One arrow with which to do it.
By Mark Foster (@ClawhammerMark)
David Fenn (@autotwitch)
Andrew Gleeson (@_andrio)
SoundTrack: https://soundcloud.com/davidfennmusic/sets/ludum-...