Tobi Game - updated

well i should have been working on painting today but i got completely caught up in finishing this (i have been working on it off and on for over a week now)
Never one to do anything by halves, i am currently learning how to make games in flash. This is a super simple (and short) rp game. I am making the practice games in the book i am reading so shortly you all can expect the unimaginable joy of playing Akatsuki Pong.
there is a surprise that will happen on the scene where you can ask Tobi what he is doing or say "tobi is a good boy" if you rollover the right spot!
also there are two..uh.. three different endings so play it at least twice .. uh.. thrice :D (lol thrice)
hopefully this will entertain you all for at a minute :D
EDIT - 3rd ending
well after telling ~Polymachaeroplagides that i didnt know how to make it so that something would happen after you hit the "tobi is a good boy" button a bunch of time i relized i did and so now there is a 3rd ending.
I have the feeling this will keep getting stuff added to it...