Tomb of the Mummy

Do not try this puzzle if you suffer from any kind of a health condition that could be affected by sudden and extreme fear.
Not intended for children under the age of 13.
Try the sequel: Tomb of the Mummy II
If you are being tortured by this puzzle, guess what… we have a little announcement to make. It’s only going to get worse. It’s here… Tomb of the Mummy II.
We know this puzzle will infuriate and tax the best of minds. But we want to reassure you that there actually are people who have solved it in 45 minutes. Some have solved it in 3 weeks. Everyone is different. Take your time. Have fun. Oh… don’t use up all your energy… you’ll need it for the sequel.
If you really need to comment or beg for hints, click here to leave a message. Don’t worry, this link will open a new window. Your puzzle will stay right here. We’ll post some of the choice messages below for all to see. Only first names will display to protect privacy.
Current Stats for Tomb of the Mummy:
Percentage of players to get 1/3 of the way through the puzzle: 15.6%
Percentage of players to get the mummy out of the tomb: 2.7%