Tooney The Little Green Monster: Part 2

Now this is starting to look more like Super Mario.
Platform Games
Previously, we looked at a jumping game that works pretty much like the Mario platform games we're very used to. In a full-fledged platform game, a lot of actually goes into the level design. Which monster should we place here to challenge the players. How do we want the players to jump his way to secret levels or obtain hidden items.
If the level design behind the game is lacking, players will inevitably feel bored playing the game.
Here, I'll show you how to create a simple level design, using coins, bricks (platforms) and a vertically moving lift as the three key components of the game. I admit this is definitely not enough, but the techniques you learn here should be able to propel you forward. With the idea of the vertical lift, you can proceed on to do a horizontally moving lift as well.
Some of the key concepts you'll find in this tutorial is how to make the game screen scroll as your character moves, as well as how to implement your design ideas during design time, and not at runtime. So far, we've almost always generated game assets on the fly by some random chance. If you open up the FLA file, you'll see all the bricks or platforms already laid out for you. This design is done at design time.
You need to look at Tutorial 7 before proceeding on, because I will not discuss those concepts that were highlighted earlier on.
Game Scenario
Tooney the little green monster has previously climbed up the Waterfall, and is now ready to collect his shiny coins. These coins are precariously placed on platforms, some moving, and Tooney has to jump his way around to collect them all.
Help Tooney collect as many coins as you can!
Game Details
The player controls the movement of Tooney with the LEFT, RIGHT keys.
Tooney can be made to jump with the SPACEBAR key.
Each coin Tooney collects earns him 10 points.
Do not let Tooney fall off the platforms
How To Play
Objective: Collect all the coins without letting Tooney fall off the platforms.
Controls: Press LEFT and RIGHT keys to move Tooney. Press SPACEBAR to jump.