Transylvania Girls


Paul has become bored with his life. There's only one thing that can still hold his interest: resurrecting Dracula! But first he has to find a virgin and Dracula's remains. Help him woo the girls while still finding time to go hunting for Dracula's body parts!

Nov 24th, 2020: Added an HTML5 version for better compatibility. Medals aren't currently enabled for it.

Oct 14th, 2012: You can view a complete date/secret guide here (direct link in my profile):

(note: when copy and pasting the link there are two spaces you need to backspace. Unfortunately this seems to be part of how descriptions work with long words, so I can't put a direct link here as far as I know. Alternately, there's a direct link to the guide in my profile.)

WARNING: This contains EVERY secret in the game! Only use it if you're _REALLY_ stuck! If you're having too much trouble with the boredom time limit you may want to look up just the secret in the guide in order to have an easier experience.

Oct 13th, 2012: Added Medals.

The file "tg_guide.txt" (5.4 kb) was uploaded by sdhawk 10/14/12.

Transylvania Girls
Date/Secret guide

Table of Contents:
1. General Tips/Tricks
2. Optimal Beth
3. Optimal Polly
4. Optimal Emmy
5. Secret Trick
6. Secret Medals
7. Unlocks

1. General Tips/Tricks

-Fatigue doesn't go over 100, so if you do a +25 fatigue
activity when you're at 95 fatigue, it will only go to 100
with no penalty. As such, only bother going to sleep
when it's at 100. You'll also be getting net gains if you
do high fatigue activities when it's high.

-Internally, every date revolves around getting 100
relationship points to advance to the next date. This
guide will list the points in a few cases. So long as you
make at least one good choice in a date, you'll always be
making progress towards the next date. As such, while
it's convenient to maximize stats for certain good choices
you could also just brute force the date by doing it
several times. This guide refers to them as "RP".

-Using New Game+ (unlocked by beating the game once)
is the easiest way to do the 100 stat medals since you
can set Polly or Beth to virgins and beat the game with
their simpler requirements.

2. Optimal Beth

Beth's dates are triggered by going to the pub.

She is the least likely to be a virgin

-First Date

So long as you have 50 money to give during the only
choice you'll pass this date easily.

-Second Date

The third choice is the best to use here. If you don't have
enough charm, the first choice is ideal.

The best gift to give her is the cross since it's the
cheapest. Flowers/Locket will also work fine, but avoid
the wine.

If you did the third choice and gave a good gift you'll
pass this date on the first attempt.

3. Optimal Polly

Polly's dates are triggered by doing a different activity
from the last one you chose, so not sticking to the same
activity will trigger her more often. As long as you get
Polly's choices correct you'll always advance straight to
the next date.

She is the second most likely to be a virgin.

-First Date

Choose the following choices:

-Care for a ride, polly?
-Can we meet somewhere later?

-Second Date
Choose the following:

-Take my coat
-I'll try anything once

4. Optimal Emmy

Emmy's dates are triggered by going to the church. She
is the most likely to be a virgin.

-First Date

-Ideally, choose the second option if you have the 50
respect. (+30 Relationship Points)
-"You get used to it" is the ideal second choice (+20 RP).
Do not use the piety choice, as it ends the date early.

There's basically two approaches you can take to this
date: Work a bunch to get the 50 respect so it will only
take 2 dates, or get your charm up to 20 to bypass
relationship points entirely.

-Second Date

This date requires 40 piety to even start it (if you don't
have enough Emmy will show up saying you haven't
been to church enough).

-Selecting peaceful as the first option is ideal (+40 RP).

If you select boring, "Let's just enjoy it" is the best
recovery (+30 RP). "You're a bit old for that" is -10RP,
and "Can't believe he lets you go" will send you back to
the previous date.

The best gifts to give are the locket or flowers (+70RP
either one). Wine/cross are -10RP.

Since the RP check isn't done until /after/ giving a gift,
you'll have to do this date twice unless you opt for the
50 charm option which allows you to do it in one date

5. Secret Trick

Purchase the lamp. Every time you go to sleep, there will
be a chance of an event happening. On the third event,
take up the offer and you'll lose 60 boredom (as such,
it's best to hold off triggering the event until you have
higher boredom). Saying no to the offer will result in
stat penalties.

6. Secret Medals

-Accept the final offer (triggers at the end of the credits)
-Reject the final offer (triggers at the end of the credits)
-Use the secret trick outlined above

7. Unlocks

Beat the game once: New Game+ (selectable virginities)

Beat the game with each girl: New Game++

This mode enables the debug menu within your items.
The debug menu allows you to view every scene in the
game along with a few other things. This allows you to
check out some of the rarer scenes such as going to a
girl's place after she's mad at you, or viewing the
differing virgin/not-virgin revelation scenes. It also
disables medals.

Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: Sdhawk
Language: en
Year: 2012