Tricolor art collab

*WOW DAILY FEATURE! Thanks so much you guys, it means a lot to all of us!
Hey everyone!
Yes, it's done after a few months or whatever it was. We had a few technical issues, etcetera.
I'd like to thank J-qb, Renaenae and M-vero (veromorte) for their great help with getting this thing done.
(Thanks guys!)
I'd also like to thank everyone who made something for the collab, it's you guys who brought it to life!
*Sniff* Makes me teary every time...
Okay, enough of the sappy speech thingamabob or whatever you want to call it.
In the Tri-Colour Collaboration, I challenged the artists of Newgrounds to make a 600x600 pixel image with ONLY three colours. No blurs, nothing that gave the image more than three colours. Your background, shades, anything in your piece counted as one of your colours. This made the artist think in different ways about how to make this... thing.
At first it looked like the collab was going to die because of my month long disappearance due to film work. Luckily for me, my trusty co-organizers J-qb, Renaenae and M-vero stepped in to get it back on its feet.
Enjoy, and remember: Life is better in three!
Leave a review or be damned! :D
Also: A special thanks to BoMtoons for help with the coding!
Be sure to vote fairly!