Trivial Blitz
Main Game:
The board consists of 16 spaces, each space with a different answer. Above the board is a category which 11 of the answers belong to. The remaining five are incorrect.
Your goal is to get as many correct as you can without getting one wrong, or a "BLITZ." You score $25 for the first answer, plus 25 for every susequent answer.
You can bank the money you earned in the round by choosing to PASS or by selecting all 11 answers.
Bonus Game:
In this round, you have a chance to win the Grand Prize.
The BONUS board has 12 possible answers, six correct and six incorrect. The first correct answer is worth $100, plus $100 for every susequent answer with the last one worth $600.
You will win the Grand Prize of a virtual sportscar if you can pick all six correct answers in the 60 second time limit.