Trixie's Tomato Toss


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Another Flash Game, this one about the Great and Powerful Trixie. Basically just run around, dodge the tomatoes of hatred, and keep a look out for power ups. Go as long as you can without getting hit. Pretty simple. Unfortunately, should the need arise, I won't be able to make any edits or comments or anything in a timely manner. I'm not going to be anywhere near a computer for about a month.

Background is an instrumental version of "Magic" by the Living Tombstone.

Various sound effects from a the internet and Pokemon Yellow.

And yes, I know that the art is kinda a mess, but I suck at art. So sorry about that.

And thank you to all of you who have Favorited and a huge thank you to all of you who decided to be Watchers. I appreciate all of the comments too!

Bonus points to whoever can identify the ponies that are used in the crowd.

Publisher: Games-Kids
Developer: FearlessPie
Language: en
Year: 2012