It's crude in presentation, but I hope it gets the point across.
This interactive flash shows what I've learned with basic core body postures (torso, waist, upper legs / thighs).
Tailored only to female body shapes only, but a change in size ratios to the upper body, lower waist, and body curves can easily switch the gender.
Planning to at least post tutorials similar to this one covering all aspects of the body, then starting to dabble in simple to complex animation.
I will be tempted to use what I've been learning to post some progressive pieces, so keep a look out for some time to time.
A thousand pardons for the extreme tardiness on my part. You have my promise that I will try to improve my posting rate!
Thank you for your continued observations.
EDIT -- Per EmperorBassexe's request, I've increased the text size so your eyes won't hate me too much. I would recommend downloading it for a better view.