Two Red Buttons


guide this cat-looking character, Emote, in various places by pressing one of two red buttons. press correct button to advance to next scene, but beware: wrong button causes death and you have to start the game all over again. why so mean? because the game itself is kinda short...

sometimes just clicking buttons isn't enough; some advanced levels appear, which means you must do something before pressing the button, or you fail automatically

character was originally based on my roblox avatar, but is now a standalone character on my deviantArt profile as well, known by name Emote

ps. this is my first flash game ever, so it may contain some bugs and glitches.

------------------CHANGE OF PLANS FOR MAKING TRB2---------------------
giving permission to make it to

Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: nettimato
Language: en
Year: 2010