Typing Tidepool

Type the words in the boxes at the bottom of the screen to match the words shown at the top of the screen. Correctly typed words will move you faster as you race to the finish line. Also at the top of the screen, you will see the time for the race, the distance left in the race and the combo. The combo will increase with each consecutive word that you type correctly. The higher the combo, the more points you score per word. Typing a wrong letter will make you lose the word and return to zero for the combo. On the bottom right you will see your rank, which is what place you are taking in the race. Once you cross the finish line, you will see your final rank and will then be returned to the menu. The menu will display your times for previous rounds and best times for previous levels as well as your total score. There are five levels with four rounds each. You need to finish in the top three places to pass a round. After you pass the finals round of a level, you will unlock round one of the next level. The
words are longer on the longer distance races. Try to surpass your top times for each level and see if you can pass all of the rounds on all levels. Click one of the options at the bottom of the menu to erase all of your times and start over.