Uberkid Invasion

Update II: Medals done (finally)! Now slaughter those Uberkids for some just awards!:)
UPDATE: Lessened pico', the uberkids', and all else's speed (fps) down by 10 (for better game play; finally managed to grab a more powerful laptop than mine (1GB RAM) to test, and bam the original game's speed almost lost me... Apologies for the crazies... but not for the kooky inside!:)
Happy... er... belated Pico Day 2012 and b-day Tom; and congrats to the winners!
Well, this 31/2 days late submission was hindered by countless AS2-AS3-AS2-AS3 hiccups (I finally managed to weasel this "flash crashing" file to AS2).
So, here's my mini action-fighting-brawler attempt... All controlled with your mouse (click to attack and try to join Pico, Nene, and Darnell for some serious firepower)... Think "Love Letter" on 'roids, man (love that game, and definitely understand how they did it better).
Hey, and since no gaming goals are apparent, just lay waste to those crazy uberkid clones (just make sure none are hiding in your closet).
Feedback appreciated. More mini-games to come... Now back to my NATA 2012 sub.