UBF2010 Round 4 - Trial of The Sandsorms!
If you think this is too easy, try the one I made for #HeliosConference instead! XD
[Edited] Change the preview pic, added a preloader, lowered the quility of BG music for a smaller file, and did some minor changes. (I wonder if the preloader really works?...)
The animation may take a while to load, so please be patient with the white screen... or download the file. ^^;
If you can only see a black screen, please try to reload the page (by pressing F5/download the file)...
So... this is what I have been doing for the whole month for the :iconpkmn-battle-frontier: round 4.... @_@
Basically this is an flash animation complied with a little of RPG element. That means you get to help Kiro in the game!
Have fun! :D
Fun Facts:
1. The battle animation is loosely based on Pokemon Black/White: click here(and go to 1:36) to have a look!
2. The "No no, it didn't happen like that" you got when losing is a parody from [link] (Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time). The Prince(as the narrator) says something like that too when you die in the game. Too bad I've never finished the game... @_@
Some tips for clearing this "game":
:bulletblue: Don't try to use any move unnecessary, cause almost every move used(both by you and the opponent) is a 1 Hit KO here!
:bulletblue: There are two ways to make Pichu win, one requires precise timing, while the other one requires some knowledge on the effect of the moves. Don't worry, you always get to choose your move twice there. ;)
:bulletblue: More details will be posted in the comment after the end of Round 4...
I've change the idea... please copy the tiny text below and paste it on wordpad to reveal the secrets:
a. There's a 40% of chance for Clefable's Metronome to use Splash, and 60% for her to use Metal Wing. Of course you can win with Metal Wing too, it's super effective!
b. The reason for Clefable's Sing never hitting Shioni is that, Shioni knows to cover her ears to avoid falling asleep! XD You can see her ears was hanging down after Clefable's attack.
c. In case if you have confused Armonia with Pichu's Sweet Kiss, you may have noticed that she would have to spend extra time to launch the final attack. Actually you can use this chance to win the battle! Just hover your mouse over Pichu to reveal his everstone, then click on it to use a special attack!
Music : Pokemon G/S Lance Battle Final by Burn7 @ newgrounds.com
Kiro: [link] (UBF 10-382) with Clefable and Pichu
Aonik: [link] (UBF 10-708) with Shioni and Armonia