

A call to all our fans! Our latest game has been announced!

Our newest game is called Rogue Legacy, a procedurally-generated Castlevania "Rogue-Lite" with an in-depth heritage system. We're super proud of it, but right now we need your help to get it on Steam.

If you've enjoyed the games we've made in the past, it would mean the world to us if you could visit the page below, and give us a vote on Greenlight.


From the makers of "I Have 1 Day" and "Don't Shit Your Pants" comes a new take on Tower Defense. This is a Tower Conquest. Be the villian instead of the hero, siege instead of defend, and take over the world, one kingdom at a time.

Rather than building towers and defending against hordes of monsters, you are given the reins of an evil mage that builds his army from the ground up to dominate the lands. You must unlock new units, learn new spells, and think up unique summoning strategies to overcome the defenses of your foes.

Developed by Cellar Door Games
Art by Gilbert de Vera (grifter101)

Publisher: Kongregate
Developer: Cellar Door Games
Language: en
Year: 2011