VIP Room


Good job, you! You've been selected, out of hundreds of highly talented, ambitious young interior designers, to decorate the crib of one of those stunning celebrities at Hollywood! This is a major, major step for your career, so get yourself loaded with tones of creativity and do your best to leave this mansion's famous owner simply mouth-opened at the sight of her home's new fabulous look. Play the VIP room decoration game and use your talent for turning the master bedroom of the villa into the most luxuriously stylish room of the house!

Ready? Then start with the basic, making sure that you give enough attention even to the apparently insignificant little details such as the floor's selection or the wall's painting. Go for a soft, relaxing combination of lovely pastel colors or get daring and pair two sharp, vivid blocking colors, one for the floor and a contrasting one fore the wall, for a truly sticking visual effect. Continue with the window frames' selection, browse through all the exquisitely chic nightstand and dressing table options you have there, some of them designed in a modern chic, minimalist style, others resembling some precious pieces of antique furniture rather. When it comes to its décoration items and furniture collection, this game sure is one of the most impressive online room decoration games you've ever played! What style best suits your own preferences? Once you've decided upon these major selections, face the biggest décor challenge of them all: picking that double size, royal bed, the center of attention in the room! Rely on your skills as an interior designer for perfectly pairing its color with that of all the other items that you've already picked and make sure to stick to the same decor style. So, what should it be: a candy pink princes bed or maybe a luxurious royal bed, in shiny golden yellow, speaking of its owner high life? With all its fabulously looking items to pick from, this game sure makes one of the most challenging online room decoration games that you've ever enjoyed as well! Don't forget about details, I remind you that! The perfect plant, from those available for you in this game, the perfectly chic carpet and the coziest and nonetheless stylish chair will make all the difference, adding that final touch of coziness and high class chicness to this VIP room.

Curious to see whether all the other online room decoration games that we're hosting on Rainbowdressup are equally challenging, equally creativity-stimulating for an aspiring skilled decorator like you? Well, browse through them all and find out!

Publisher: RainbowDressup
Language: en