Voltage Voltage Starving 3

Ever wanted to play a "Dating" "Game" and question life? Neither Did I!
Author Comments:
Well, you know this is going down hill already when its a """Dating""" """Game""" with Binding of Isaac Characters.
Now I know this seems weird..... like really weird.... And the plot and events aren't any less weirder.... and the spelling is bad.
But really, I have been working decently hard on this for over a month now... Still, This isn't something I'd necessarily look back on fondly if you ask me. I'm not even sure if I should even put my name and the names of others on it.
Game has a few problems, Like mentioned in it, there's a ton of spelling and grammar errors, mainly because the " and ' could not work in the font I used for this game.
I also couldn't quite create a functioning mute/unmute button.
Resolution is a bit weird too...
But in any case, I upload this here for my friends and fans who are too nice to say no when I ask them to play this "game"
Well, Time for some Credits I guess!
-Art and "Coding" was done by Me
-Music was done by Shufflehound (Harvey)
Special Thanks to:
-Friends who had to go through testing this shit
-All the People at the "Place that shall Not be Mentioned by Name"
Please Enjoy your Suffering.
And Remember to not Kill anyone out that one window in that one shooting section.
k tnx bye