Voodoo Baby COLOR


https://acid-poptart.deviantart.com/ & https://vest.deviantart.com/ & https://windriderx23.deviantart.com/

Character design by *https://acid-poptart.deviantart.com/

Original Lines - https://windriderx23.deviantart.com/art/Voodoo-Baby-143385602
By *https://windriderx23.deviantart.com/

Color - `https://vest.deviantart.com/


Since we got our commissions all wrapped up yesterday, I took a moment to color a side-project that *https://windriderx23.deviantart.com/ and I commenced last week. I really, really like how the candles turned out in this one. Never did candles before, honestly, but this one just came together on the first attempt.

But man, I spent a lot of time just getting everything in this image right, particularly the skin in this one. I wanted it to be pale white, but not...colorless. It's tough to make something pale but still lively, and it's even tougher to succeed 'too much' where it looks pearly and opalescent. Needed to find that ground in between.

The light in the upper left was not a part of my original idea, but I couldn't establish a solid focus and flow at first. So I added it a little bit later, last minute, and it really brought it all together in my opinion.

Adobe Photoshop CS2
Wacom Tablet
Macromedia Flash 8

Comments appreciated. Criticism honored.

Pegged mature content for...BLACK JESUS!

"I rode into town on an ass. Yo momma's ass."