Windows Denta SP1


::...::EDIT::...:: Well This Passed Judgment at least.... Windows Pedigree Will have more features than this one. This was just a beginning. Also please recommend to the collection if you want =) but always appreciated if you do! And to those people who didn't read the description i will repeat!
THIS IS A SIMULATOR OF VISTA! IT DOESN'T SUPPOSE TO GIVE YOU NOTHING! Just looks good and a few buttons... Thank you :)

Windows Denta, The New And Improved Version Of Vista has been finally released. Rush to the stores and buy the new operating system that acts and looks better than Vista that was created by FBSoft©

Hey guys, i've been working on this for a week, actually more than a week because in the middle of the project my data was deleted...Had to start all over again! Anyways now it's here a simulator of Vista Windows Denta! Please do not vote 0 because it does not say anything bad against Vista. This is only a simulator. Just try to be nice :) If this passes judgement i will post an edit. Also a known bug is in the Programs menu, there is a button called "Boot into Windows Pedigree" Due to loss of time because the laptop deleted my project i had to submit windows Denta only and windows Pedigree will be submitted in the coming weeks. Please enjoy this simulator and i hope that you like it.

Please Report Any Errors Or Bugs that you find :)

Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: Lolzer
Language: en
Year: 2009