Windows Vista Errors

Over the course of 3+ years of this project being published I still get "reviews" asking about how to earn this acheivement, so here it is: Go onto Yougle, type "Yougle" into the search bar and click Yougle Search.
Phew. Hey, I'm Madjasper1, and this is Windows Vista Errors.
This is the 4th Installment in the Error Series, unlike my previous ones, their is a lot of interaction, here is a list of everything you can do:
-Turn on a real PC
-Logon as user or change your username
-Real Vista desktop with working icons
-Working clock
-Internet with fully working Yougle
-Word with 2 fonts
-Paint with 10 colours
-Excel (sort of)
-Recycle Bin
-Start menu
-Shut down button
-Command Prompt
-Disk Cleaner
-Start Menu Folders (Documents, My Computer e.t.c)
-Button Game
-Very Hard Maze game (no screamers, don't worry)
-Media Player with 3 songs by people on NG
-52 Errors (The last error isn't really and error, it's just a finish point)
-Draggable Errors
-8 Medals
So yeah, their is a lot, this is my biggest project so far, it took me nearly a month to do, I was giving up my afternoons and evenings with my family to make this, and I'm tired of doing it, so I'm so glad this is done.
Hope you enjoy it, if you can't figure out how to unlock all the medals, PM me, and I'll give you a walkthrough.
Tip: between the first and twenty-fifth errors, 4 of them have clickable buttons, these can give you a chance to earn some medals.
Edit: I just woke up this morning and found out that Windows Vista Errors got Underdog of the Week, my first award!
Thanks for everyone who reviewed and got me the award.
Edit2: Oh I found out you can still use the next button even after you finished looking through the errors, well I've fixed that, and I added the shutdown sound for when you shutdown.
Edit3: I removed the navigation box on one of the mini games, (where you can earn the Holy Cow! medal)