Woodhaven Trading Card Game


Please read the Introduction page before moving on to the other parts.

Collaborative Creative Writing and Flash animation. The more I work with Flash, the more I like it, and at the same time, the more it frustrates me. The learning curve is steep, but I'll get there eventually.

So, for Creative Writing, we had to do a group EcoArt writing project for Woodhaven Nature Conservancy Regional Park. My group (which consisted of myself, =GimpyKitty, ~EraserRain, Mike Straus, Megan Halston and Danny Estrada) decided to make Pokemon-style cards for the species our class was assigned to research. At the same time, in my Computer Imaging class, a few of us decided to make interactive animations related to the park. With the permission of my teacher, I decided to make a Flash version of our cards, which cut down the work I had to do.

Hint: to make cards, don't use Office Depot.

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: ShedSimas
Language: en
Year: 2010