Worm Avatar Maker - DEMO


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Reviving an old project, the Custom Worm Maker/ Worm Factory (look it up. It's on the old account of Egnio).

Now, it's the Worm Avatar Maker!

Featuring over 70 objects so far (most of them are beyond simple recolors. Boy-scout word :la: )

Still, I want this to be more unique than the last ones. Thus, I want suggestions for special shirts, designs, hats, props, ideas and the like.

So, you give me a few ideas, and I'll mention you in credits or such (and receive a llama badge. You know you want a llama badge)

Suggest stuff, receive llama.

For the group: Thought that the people of it would be better at giving ideas. This thing will be deleted and replaced with the full one once it's all clear :3

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: McGenio
Language: en
Year: 2011