Wrath of Ra


You may think space is empty, but it's not: between the Sun and planets is the solar wind, blowing ever outward from our star. The Solar Wind is a continuous stream of ionized gas, or plasma, that pours out of the Sun at 200 tons per second and a million miles per hour. What does that have to do with us? That Solar Wind can carry the cosmic equivalent of wind, clouds, storms, and hurricanes called space weather. It's one of the consequences of living with a star. The Solar Wind and solar storms like Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) can impact Earth's magnetic field region causing geomagnetic storms, the aurora, ionospheric disturbances, and electrical power disruptions. In this game, you can learn a little about the Solar Wind, and why it forms a spiral, then launch a solar disturbance at Earth and see what damage you can cause.