Yugioh GX Dress Up Game


XP My first flash dress up game thing~!! Lol I think I like Flash better than Corel Painter now since it refines any lines I make. ^^ But... it took me forever to get the clothes to drag... Finally, I just had to switch to AC 2.0, since 3.0 is so freaking complicated... Anyways, hope you like!

If you come up with a cool character, feel free to take a screenshot, upload it as a deviation, and send me a link!! ^^

Please do not take this game without my permission, & if you use one of my characters, please give me credit!! Thanks!

P.S. I'm submitting this to :iconladyduelists:!! You all should join!! ^^

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: erikagrace303
Language: en
Year: 2008