
Zombies have taken over the small town of Hammock, Nebraska! Play as Chase Gamlin, a survivalist, as he gathers his hidden weapon caches and fights back against the horde of zombies.
Follow our pirate mascot, Slow Pete, at Facebook.com/slowpete.thepirate or Twitter.com/slowpetepirate for game updates, announcements, and special offers!
1-5 keys to choose weapons, or use Q/E to cycle through. Shoot zombies in the head for bonus damage! And don’t forget to upgrade.
JUL 7, 2012 1:59PM
Update 1.2 text:
Fixed some minor graphical glitches
Fixed a bug where the pistol could be fired while reloading
The reloading alert text is now large, red, and centered for better visibility
There is now a mysterious keypad on the credits page
Also, updated the credits
MAR 19, 2012 1:15PM
Update 1.1:
Killing streaks no longer continue between levels.
Choosing “Quit Level” while in a menu pause screen no longer causes the next level to instantly end.
Fixed an error where SMGs could have unlimited ammo.
Fixed an error where picking up SMG ammo when empty would not auto-switch the current weapon to the SMG.
Added an Instructions button to the main menu.
Added instructions to the Pause screen.