Adventure Time Heroine Creator

Look what's finally here!!!
So I did it, I completed a dress up game in a week (and just in time too since it's almost midnight!)
This is FAR from being 100% done, but this is a great start for the game until I'm able to get the full version of Flash.
However, this game DOES allow you to customize almost every aspect of your character, including each piece of clothing, from the collar, bodice, and even different bottom options. You can even customize your own animal companion!
Socks, gloves, and hold-able items will be available in the updated version later on.
Note: The reset button at the end only resets clothing, hair, and the girl's skin colour. The other colour palettes stay the same.
Note2: The pet is draggable! If you do not wish to use the pet, you can drag them off screen. If you want them back, click anywhere on the screen, and drag your friend right back!
Note3: I had the program a little linger than I thought, so I made a logo for my dress up games! It's on the last page, and if you click it it should take you to my dress up games page. :>
I hope you guys enjoy this, and please take a screenshot and show me what you made!!!
All the official backgrounds were from Google, and belong to the art team on Adventure Time.