'And there were shepherds...'

Click to proceed as usual C;
Merry Christmas everyone! ヽ( ^∀^)ノ
Have a very traditionally-themed Christmas greetings...as usual C;
Okay technically the angels aren't with the shepherds when they're going to Bethlehem, but anyways |D
Hey look, I still managed to get a Christmas pic done barely on time, despite being super busy for Winter solstice family gatherings and church services! Surprise ( ´∀`)
No time for writing Christmas cards and giving out presents though (つД`)
This time I tried to play with the colors for the shadings instead of using overlay colors all the time! It's fun to try new stuff once for a while~
I think I'm running out of ideas for Christmas pics though, so this is kinda of a redrawn version of my 2006 one. I hope it doesn't looks like a deprovement
Old Christmas pics:
05: [link]
06: [link]
07: [link] [link] [link]
08: [link]
09: [link]
10: [link]