Bloxx Clicker

Bloxx Clicker is a mix between an upgrade and idle game. At the beginning you have to click the Bloxx to earn money and buy your first upgrades. Later you can buy autoclicker-upgrades and bonus-upgrades to get more and more money for your manual clicks.
There will come more and more upgrades, features and minigames.
The game has an autosave-system.
It’s possible to reset the game, if you want to.
green dollar sign – normal click
yellow dollar sign – cloned normal click (Doubler Chance)
light red dollar sign – critical click (0,1 – 20% of all clicks you made as bonus)
Klicke so oft Du kannst den Bloxx. Mit der Zeit kannst Du Deine Fähigkeiten hochstufen und mehr Geld im Spiel machen.
Es werden mit der Zeit immer wieder neue Upgrades, Features und MiniSpiele eingebaut werden.
Man kann das Spiel aus zurücksetzen.