Customisable Tal - Dollmaker


Customisable Tal, because the one we did last year for him had annoying scrolly buttons and not enough options. Also has changeable genetics and colour-change clothing options for OC purposes.

Added some more Tethyny clothing because he needs some.

Hair includes hairstyles Tal's had in the comic, hairstyles of assorted relatives, and a selection of hairstyles from other male characters who have appeared ( sometimes only for a page or two ) because whatever have some hair.

Now get some clothes on the man before he dies of embarrassment. ;) ( Or turn him into someone who doesn't mind. )

Next up: Romance novel cover. It will be fantastic.

( Boilerplate: Your doll is yours to post or whatever, just don't claim you did the artwork, don't charge money, and do linkback to the game here or to Wayward Martian Games. )

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: WaywardInsecticon
Language: en
Year: 2013