Dragon Age Dorian Pavus DRESS-UP GAME


Tumblr Icon ► REBLOG ON TUMBLR : >>> cynellis.tumblr.com/post/13049… Little Pixel Heart


Ever wondered what would it feel like to be in charge of Dorian’s wardrobe? Wonder no more! With my Dorian dress-up game, you can make even the craziest of your fashion design fantasies come true! Give Dorian a lot of piercings! Turn him into a Grey Warden fashion model! Make him go to Halamshiral completely naked! Anything’s possible!
Also - good news for all the shameless shippers - this game also includes Dorian/Inquisitor & Adoribull content ♥

I started working on this game more than half a year ago & did not finish it until now (because my graduation exams & laziness got in the way, blah blah you know how it goes). It took more than 50 hours to make, so I really hope you will like it!! Don’t hesitate to leave me your feedback!!! (preferebly on tumblr >>> cynellis.tumblr.com/ask

And if you like my stuff and want to support me, you can make a simple $2 donation here! Thank you very much! ♥

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: cynellis
Language: en
Year: 2015