Dragon Scape


My new dragonscape! Its a small game but! I will update it everyday! SO IT WILL BE HUGE!
Just to have fun game no point to it…
Just to slay monsters.
05/29/08 11:02
Added New Monster….
2 Orbs Near Castle Are Void Shops (click on the orbs)
All for now…
Fixed Rock Giant Glitch
Please Post Ideas About More Monsters!
05/30/08 1:50 PM
I made the game allittle harder no new monsters yet. Im more active on improving the actions…
Not the monsters but i am adding 3 more.
Took out the sun, due to lag.
Made stat level up 30 coins each.
Made monsters stronger everytime you beat
More Updates soon!
05/30/08 3:20
Hey people added a new monster EMBER!
You can’t use magic on it because its Immune.
But will give you 12 gold
5 strength points.
More soon.

Publisher: Kongregate
Developer: sonicbw
Language: en
Year: 2008