Eevee Dressup 3.0


Featuring Dawn the Eevee! :D

For :iconpokemonloverforev: especially, but it's also an updated version of my eevee dressup from last year.

Similar options to the previous eevee dressup, but the main differences are:

-- Ability to change colors of each paw
-- Belly Color
-- The mouth expressions are removeable and interchangeable
-- Eevee can dressup like any of it's eeveelutions
-- More eye options (including sad/mad expressions)
-- Includes items specific to Dawn the eevee

Otherwise, eevee is still customizable and can be used to design original characters. I REMIND everyone that you CANNOT submit any screenshots using this dressup (neither DA or FA allows it) but you can show me what you did with this elsewhere like photobucket, imageshack, etc.

Dawn @ :iconpokemonloverforev:
Eevee @ Nintendo, Pokemon, etc

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: pichu90
Language: en
Year: 2009