

EDIT: If you see red pannels replacing some of the images, try using a different browser, i.e. Internet Explorer.
Though I'd guess that's happening to ne just cause I have so much stuff open in Opera right now...

Sorry for the screen-breaking size, but the photos kinda lost quality when I tried scaling them down even more.
To go to the next photo, click on the slowly flashing arrow in the lower right corner. :P

Horray again for flash-photo collections not being allowed in the photo cathegory. :shrug:

As promised previously [link] , a collection of some great snapshots from this year's fireworks,
most of them done using the "bulb exposure" mode on my camera.
(And in some cases, a result of my shaky hands.)

Enjoy! :)

Is it really called like that? :? By "bulb exposure", I mean a mode where the camera makes a photo, but takes a few seconds "exposure time" before the photo is finished...

Publisher: DeviantArt
Language: en
Year: 2010