FLASH! : Enter Tsuruu (FA application) Page ( 12 )

Tsuruu Ref: [ http://fav.me/d632kee ]
Previous page : [ http://fav.me/d6ngoaa ]
First : [ http://fav.me/d64pkh7 ]
So this is it. The thing I spent almost a year on. I think it turned out ok, but not nearly good enough considering how long it took.
Originally I just thought Id do a quick little final entry for the OCT and learn some flash at the same time. But I hyped it up for myself too much and got kinda scared of it, which is stupid, but it happens a lot with big projects. I also can't work on side things with a looming project. Hence my absence from DA. I should be back to posting... I think.
OH YES! I'm worried about the competition, so here's a little incentive for people to enter/finish. IF we end up having enough entries to fill the 32 spots, I PROMISE to do animated sprites for anyone who finished their submission. If we go down to 16... I probably won't. So, ya there's some motivation.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed the flash
Lupina belongs to https://willowwish.deviantart.com/:iconwillowwish:
Dreden belongs to https://wela-inomae.deviantart.com/:iconwela-inomae:
(sorta cameo as thanks for the help! The blue belt having his symbol and colour, the line before she attacks Lupina and the giant psionic arm that is similar to Dreden's clockwork one.)