Katana Senpou

A game made in 48 hours for Ludum Dare.
It was inspired by Alex Kidd and Samurai Kirby (from Kirby Superstar).
This game is a tribute to the games that I liked when I was young, so all the Japanese text and voice (and even the tittle!) make absolutely no sense.
I wanted people to feel the way I felt when I played Japanese games, where nothing made sense.
Special thanks to my lovely wife @amora_b and to @ninaringo, who kept feeding me cookies and cupcakes while I was making this game!
The game should be self explanatory, but here are the controls:
First player (or single player):
SPACE: Attack.
Z or X: Change move.
Second Player:
ENTER: Attack
O or P: Change move.
Wait for the Signal to attack (Watch out for the fake signal!)! And the moves works in a similar way to Rock, Paper Scissors.