-Ken1171 Fireworks-


~Ken1171 Fireworks~

And now for something completely different, this is a little experimental ActionScript3 (AS3) program I wrote for some fun with particles and physics. Every little part of the fireworks involves:

* Gravity
* Air friction
* Ballistic trajectory
* Combustion
* Contraction/expansion

Each of the firework explosions is unique because the physics are calculated in real-time, so things happen differently every time.

There is only one particle system here, but it is controlled by many parameters. I arranged 3 sets of parameters to create 3 firework "types", and you can see each of them by clicking the fireworks screen and then pressing the "1", "2" or "3" keys on your keyboard. Pressing "4" will combine all of them together to create yet another kind of firework. Pressing "5" will toggle on/off the firework auto-shooting process. If it is off, you can fire them manually by clicking on the fireworks screen. If it is on, it will shoot new fireworks automatically using the current settings.

What I personally find fascinating about AS3 is that the programs can run on ANY computer running ANY of the major operating systems out there (Windows, MacOS and Linux), independent of web browser versions (unlike Java). And the entire fireworks program is only 41Kb, so it should load pretty fast! ^__^

Hope you like it and thanks for coming by!

PS: I am still new to AS3 programming, so if things don't work please be patient. ^^;

Publisher: DeviantArt
Language: en
Year: 2008