Last Egg Standing


(aka reloaded: egz)
Well this had to happen. When you’re reloading games there’s always a danger of coming across a game that you need to redo entirely from scratch to make it worth playing and showing to the needy audience. Let’s start at the beginning. Long time ago, in year 2004 or even earlier I created a small game called EGZ . Nothing fancy, just a remake of old egg picking from Nintendo. Back then this game seemed to be cutting edge, but now… List of things to improve was long. Terrible sound in between levels. Shitty font used for top display. Random egg showing – which resulted in inability to collect them all. Lousy backgrounds… The list goes on. But the worst part was when I opened the fla file and looked at the script. OMG, what was I thinking. Those hard early years of action script learning. :D So I remade the whole thing. Not a single sprite survived, not a line of code. Now you can compare how my way of thinking about game development changed in those few years. ;)


Developer: Mateusz Skutnik
Tag: Adventure
Language: en
Year: 2008