Meowth Dress Up
A dressup from pichu90? Yes, at last! :D
I'm going back to my old layout, a little more compact yet hopefully enough space and props for people to try them out. This is the same style as my pichu dressup which has like 350+ favorites for some reason O_o so one can hope this one is just as fun too.
Anyways I dedicate this one to and it's also my first meowth ever, but I had fun drawing this character, not too hard to draw and coming up with items as you can imagine was just as fun as well ;)
Most of the items are self explanatory except that little dot thingie is meant to be a nose, just if you're curious to see meowth with one ^^;
You can also remove the gold thingie on top, the eyes and mouth too :)
Let me know if there are problems with this as usual, and comments, critiques of all sorts are appreciated too ^^
Enjoy! :aww: