PewCatPie: The Unfair Game
Fanmade game to PewDiePie. Cat Mario style
Author Comments:
Basic Arrow controls. Made this game because Pewdiepie really hates theese kind of games. It was ment that he would play this, maybe he will some day.
I've made this game with all respect for him, he is a really nice and funny person. 2 Levels, 1 checkpoint in each level. Unfair game. It's not the best looking game out there, It's not the best coded game, I made this by my own in my spare time for less than 1 week. It's still challenging and unfair just what the game is ment to be. Level 2 is better done and the graphics is better there. -------------------------
---------------------- CHEAT TO GET TO LVL 2:-----------------------
On the first treeblock you can jump on, stand on the left edge of it and try to jump as far as you can to the left of it. There's invisible blocks there which leads to the goal.