Pico Vs. Bear


Includes two knock-offs as additional applications. Features music by The Tomkat and Saucer, AKA "The HIGHLANDERS". Bloodshed in the Big Blue House sourced from archive.org/download/bloodshed-in-the-big-blue-house_202112 Bloodshed in the Big House That Blew sourced from http://www.nixglop.com (via Wayback Machine).

The big bear has gone mad with distemper. Pico is called in to bring him down!

I originally released this on Newgrounds at the end of 1999. It was developed in Flash 4 but I've updated the controls to take advantage of Flash 5+, which solved the keyboard lag problems in the previous version. I also added more health and more ammo, to make things easier for people. Enjoy!

Music by Polygon Window - polygon_window AT hotmail.com

Check out his music!

