Stacked Odds

(fake comments)
ted said "How do I play?"
Steve said "Use the arrow keys, idiot. I got 42."
(explanation from
When someone plays Tetris, they follow a simple rule: try to fill the deepest gap. When a gap forms, they will try to fill it with the best piece available, sometimes waiting for that perfect piece to show up.
What if that piece never shows up? This game has an AI that finds which piece that player most desperately needs, and doesn't give it to him. More specifically, it finds the deepest hole, and gives you only the pieces that don't fit into it.
We were recently informed that it is actually possible to get into an infinite loop and beat the game. If we ever make Stacked Odds 2.0 we'll fix that bug, but until then see if you can figure it out!
The Best of 3326 Comments:
"Yay Tetris oh no i lost :(" - Nick
"I got it. You don't let us comment. the first two comments are not real, it's just supposed to confuse us. Then we comment, the comment stays put for some time then eradicates by itself, leaving us frustrated and typing the same message again and a again. " - Yuval GreenPeace
"Cool a Tetris game that gives you the worst pieces it can cook up my best was 14" - HeavyD2
"this is basically tetris!!" - cherry
"My god, this website is so weird." - person
(graph.png appeared here; find it in Extras)
When you lose a game of Stacked Odds, it used to send your score to our server. After 2175 games, we created this histogram of scores. We were impressed to see that someone stuck with it long enough to clear 101 lines, but many people failed to even clear one.